New Easter Pattern: Fillable Easter Eggs!
“These simple two-part eggs make delightful decorations, as well as vessels for small Easter goodies! They can also be a fun addition to indoor Easter egg hunts – hide them around the house for your family to find!”
Share some Easter joy (and treats) with my first Easter pattern! These eggs are adapted from some that I made last year for a mini indoor Easter hunt for the family. These ones weren’t quite shaped right, so I simplified the design a little and made them smaller for better hiding potential. :)
(Post-Easter Update: I used the some of the eggs in the picture above in this year’s indoor egg hunt - they went down very well!)
Use this pattern to make fillable Easter eggs of your very own, just in time for Easter! Fill them with seasonal goodies of your choice - chocolate, small plushies, mini decorations, or whatever you like!
Make Fillable Easter Eggs your next crochet project today! You can download the pattern on Etsy or Ravelry, or find more information on the pattern here.
Happy Crafting!
~KC 🐨🧶