Crochet Tutorials

Welcome to my Crochet Tutorials! Here you will find clear, detailed guides for how to do many crochet stitches and techniques, all illustrated with step-by-step pictures - and all free!

Happy Crafting!


Note: These tutorials use UK crochet terms for stitches. Where necessary, the US terms for stitches will be given in brackets the first time they’re mentioned, then the UK terms will be used from then on.

For beginners:

  • Casting On and Off - start by learning how to begin and end your crochet project

  • Fundamental Stitches - learn the crochet stitches that will make up the main bulk of most of your work, such as the chain stitch, the slip stitch and the double crochet (US single crochet)

  • Increasing and Decreasing - important stitches to learn if you want to create more than just tubes!

Useful techniques:

  • Changing Colour - learn how to crochet pieces in multicolour!

  • TBL vs TFBL - “through back loops” vs “through front and back loops”, a couple of funny little acronyms that can make a difference to the texture of your work

  • Surface Crochet - learn how to crochet into surfaces to add more dimensions to your pieces

Special stitches:

  • Crab Stitch - also called reverse double crochet, learn this stitch useful for interesting borders

  • Loop stitch - a stitch used to make fluffy pieces (watch this space!)